iNghe 1.1

iNghe provides Vietnamese news feeds in the forms of both text and audio. Voice commands are coming packed in cases you are on the go. You can also customize your favorite categories and hear them spoken aloud at your convenience.

iNghe Features: 
- Audible news feeds. 
- Customizable contents. 
- Three different Vietnamese voices. 
- Voice command/assistant. 
- Support caching for offline listening. 
- Voice navigation.

What's new in this version:
- Manual data fetching.
- Option for audio routing.
- New category: "Hot news."
- New functionality: arbitrary speech synthesis - speak what you type.
- New functionality: Spoken SMS
- Content sharing via Facebook.
- Content sharing via Email.
- Web view for original articles.
- Optimized data transferring.

Download links:
- iOS:

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