
VIVOS Corpus

VIVOS is a free Vietnamese speech corpus consisting of 15 hours of recording speech prepared for Automatic Speech Recognition task.

The corpus was prepared by AILAB, a computer science lab of VNUHCM - University of Science, with Prof. Vu Hai Quan is the head of.

We publish this corpus in hope to attract more scientists to solve Vietnamese speech recognition problems. The corpus should only be used for academic purposes.


Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike v4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) (details)

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Associated paper

"A non-expert Kaldi recipe for Vietnamese Speech Recognition System", Hieu-Thi Luong and Hai-Quan Vu, in Proc. WLSI-3 & OIAF4HLT-2 (pdf)


Corpus properties

Speech was recorded in a quiet enviroment with high quality microphone, speakers were asked to read one sentence at a time.

  Training Testing
Speakers 46 19
Male 22 12
Female 24 7
Utterances 11660 760
Duration 14:55 00:45
Unique Syllables 4617 1692


The corpus is also evaluated using our non-expert recipe for Vietnamese Speech Recognition system which is described in details in the associated paper.

  baseline +pitch +tone
mGMM 19.66 15.14 14.91
mGMM+MMI 18.08 14.96 13.91
mGMM+SAT 15.79 12.07 12.13
mDNN+SAT 13.34 9.54 9.48



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